Monday, March 2, 2015

Support Brain Awareness and join the fight to battle it

This is taken from a friends Caring Bridge site--this is her son's battle --I made the items on this page to help support their cause -- please read and help this wonderful family fight to find a cure

Jeremy’s Story
Welcome to our CaringBridge site. We've created it to keep friends and family updated. We appreciate your support and words of hope and encouragement during this time when it matters most.
 Our 11 year old son Jeremy, for the past two years he has been battling Brain Cancer.  Jeremy is diagnosed with Epedymoma, a rare tumor and cancer that does not yet have a cure.  In the past several weeks Jeremy's doctors discovered a new malignant and metastatic tumor.  On Monday November 3, 2014 Jeremy will underwent his fifth brain surgery since December 24, 2012.  Following surgery he will undergo radiatiation for the second time and possible chemo-therapy.  Jeremy has already overcome insurmountable odds.  He is the bravest kid I know and an amazing young man.

To bring awareness to a rare tumor and cancer, Also help fundraise for Ependymoma Research. Help us find a cure for Ependymoma.

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